Wednesday, July 9, 2014


I've been sitting here thinking about change. This is because recently we bought ABC some caterpillars that were to turn into butterflies. It was so much fun watching the caterpillars shed their skin and get bigger and bigger and bigger. Then it was cool to watch them form the chrysalis. Then we waited and a few days later we had butterflies. This week it has been fun to watch them stretch their wings and fly around the butterfly enclosure.
Watching them make this metamorphosis was amazing. You knew God's hand was in on it as something so intricate and beautiful is something that us humans could have never imagined.

This got me thinking about change. Sometimes we need to make changes for the better. I know lately I've been reading the book "Am I Messing Up MY Kids" by Lysa TurkHeurst. It one of the chapters she talks about wearing masks. Just like the caterpillar sheds its skin to grow we must remove our masks to grow.

What masks are you wearing today? One of my favorite masks is to say "I'm great" when in actuality everything around me seems to be falling apart. Another mask I sometimes wear is the one that I am super mom. I can do anything. I start saying yes to all these things and in the end I'm left exhausted.

This usually causes me to retreat rom people for awhile as I am so busy I cannot add another thing to my plate. This is like being in the cocoon. All safe and cozy at home but feeling the pressure as I need to get this all done,

I always come out on the other side with a renewed sense that I need to pray before I take on any project and learn to say No. God didn't make every project for me. He knows what my talents are and by me saying no someone whose talents could be used at the project gets the opportunity. This is like the emerging butterfly. Feeling free but knowing what it needs to do to continue to live.

As I stretch my "wings" of the renewed sense of direction I remember that I should always follow God's will. Sometimes I can be so selfish! This allows me to keep pumping the wings as God gives me the strength to do anything.

Then all of a sudden I am flying. I can have many projects but as long as they are the ones that God has designed for me I am free. I'm at peace. I complete them all with no problems.

I hope that this perspective change may help you today. Let's remove our masks and start to live the life God has intended for us.

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