Friday, June 20, 2014

Lead Like Jesus Quote that I Keep Thinking About

So I just finished the book Lead Like Jesus and in the book Ken Blanchard made this great quote:

"The lord never calls the qualifies. He qualifies the called.

Is there something the Lord has placed on your heart that you feel like you need to do but feel very underqualified for? Maybe he is calling you to a new job. Maybe he is calling you to be a stay at home mom. Maybe he is calling you to spend more time with your kids. Whatever he is calling you to do you need to do it.

Maybe some of the questions running through your mind are:
Will we have enough money?
Will I have enough time to get all the items on my to do list done?
How will I ever gain the trust and prestige I have now at a new company?
How will I survive eight hours at home with the kids?
Will I miss my job?

One thing I learned is to just do it. Whatever door good is asking you to walk through walk through it now. I love this saying:

This is so true. Sometimes we feel God nudging us to do something but because of all the questions we have an unknowns we never make take the first step. Then God nudges us again. Usually this is in the form of a trusted friend saying you should really do this. Or maybe it is a devotional about the exact thing you are struggling with. It could be a sermon on a Sunday morning. It could be in a book your reading. But you still choose to ignore God's nudging.

Then one day he just gets fed up and closes the door. He gave you some chances to do it on your own, but know he forces you to make his decision. At the time we may ask ourselves why did God do this to me? But if we really sat back and thought why we'd see that he wanted us to move forward.

At the time that old door closing can be heartbreaking, but much good will come from moving forward and following God's will. Has there ever been a time in your life when God has closed one door, but opened another? Let's give someone else some encouragement today an share of a time when this happened to you and tell them of the blessing the new door God opened was for you.

Have a blessed day everyone!


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