Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Difference in TV shows

Saturday and Sunday night we watched three separate movies/TV shows. We watched It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown, Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving Special, and Garfield's Haloween. The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown came out in the late 60s. Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving came out in the early 70s. Garfield's Halloween special was mid 80s.  The difference in these programs was outstanding to me.

Both of the Charlie Brown's were not scary to ABC. They had some humor in them but none of it was crude. They called people blockhead and made fun of people but someone always stuck up for that person. Also they prayed to God and talked about God multiple times during the program. They showed how to love others and what true friendship is. These shows showed a different time when most still believed in God and God was still at the center of our country like when it was founded.

Then there was Garfield. A wanted us to turn it off as it was scary. B and C kept making comments about how we shouldn't treat people hat way. Garfield called people stupid and dumb. At one point he even used the R word. They treated people with no respect. They didn't show how to love people but use people. It even had Garfield threatening people to give him more candy. It had no real message at all.

I know these are both kids shows and are supposed to be in good humor, but these two shows I think show the decline in society. We have taken God out of everything we do. We are afraid to talk about God in public because what would so and so think of me. We let our kids watch these shows and wonder why they aren't nice to others. Video games are so violent and people let their young kids play them thinking that they know the difference.

I remember when we ere first making the decision to have kids and thinking how scary it is to bring a child up in today's society. It is much different than the God fearing one we were brought up in. The one where God's name was allowed in public buildings. You were allowed to pray anywhere. You weren't a persecuted for speaking of your beliefs as today.  

I recently read three books The Harbinger, The Mystery of the Shemitah and Four Blood Moons that talk about major events in history occurring on specific days of the Jewish calendar and lining up with the astrological events. These books were so eye opening. It even showed how 9/11 was routed in Jewish history and how certain things happened leading up to 9/11 and after that were predicted by the bible.

Currently we are in a year of Shemitah and we have four blood moons within this year (two have already occurred). I find it interesting that on the second blood moon the stock market crashed over 100 points. Can we ignore the signs? As Christians can we just sit back and continue to ignore God and his warnings?  Can we keep trying to push him under the rug and not share with others?

Look at the news headlines. Are the end of days coming? I have no clue. But I want to be ready.

 Just this week in the news is Texas pastors being subpoenaed to turn over their sermons because the state officials feel like they aren't separating church and state because they are talking about homosexuals and a recent law about gay marriage (http://cnsnews.com/news/article/penny-starr/houston-pastor-gay-rights-agenda-systematically-deconstructing-god-s). I guess we don't even have freedom of speech any more.

 Are you ready if Jesus comes back today?  I'm working on forgiveness and some bitterness that I have in my heart. I'm a work in progress. I'll never be perfect in this world. But I want to be as ready as possible. I want to share Jesus with others. I want others to be standing next to me with palm branches as praising God as Revelations says.  I'm praying for all of you who read this. Who can you share Jesus with today? 

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