Monday, October 20, 2014

Week 1 Piyo and 21 Day Fix Round 6 results

So I just finished another round of the 21 day fix. I’m excited to report my results. I’m 24 weeks pregnant tomorrow. Here is the before and after from this round. I cannot believe how much I’m showing now compared to three weeks ago.

I’m excited to report I only gained 2.8 pounds in the last three weeks. I’m right on target for my 1 pound a week. The baby is moving and having a ton of fun. Since I’m smaller this third pregnancy I can feel movements much more readily than my other pregnancies. I also started feeling the baby's movements much earlier than my other two pregnancies. I lost a half inches in each of my arms and a half inch in each of my legs. One thing that still amazes me that even pregnant my waist measurement still isn’t as big as it was when I started my weight loss journey in April. I still need to grow three and a half more inches to hit that number.

I’m still not wearing maternity clothes. I’m wearing my normal clothes. I did have to go from my 6s to my 8s this week. I can wear the 6s if I put a rubber band around the button. They fit everywhere else. The 8s I am constantly pulling up my pants! 
I’m so grateful I took the plunge to do this and become a coach. I wouldn’t change it for the world. I’m the healthiest I’ve ever been and cannot believe how great my pregnancy is going. I also cannot believe how great I feel.

I decided to start doing Piyo for the next 60 days. I love the 21 day fix but after 6 rounds I’m ready to try something different. I’m going to miss my 21 Day fix workouts but I’m excited to see my results with Piyo. I’m hoping to increase my flexibility to make my labor and delivery even easier.

Here is my schedule for the week.

I hope everyone has a blessed week. I have a group starting October 27th if you want to join me. I’m excited for this group. Can you imagine yourself going to all those Christmas parties 15, 20 or 30 pounds later? You’ll be all ready for the holidays. Contact me if you are interested.

I’m also looking for a few good women to join my team. You can make some extra money while helping other meet their fitness goals.

Have a great day everyone.

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