Thursday, November 6, 2014

My non scale successes

Sometimes we get so stuck in the number that we forget about our non-scale successes. We get so fixated that the number isn't going down and we get discouraged and decide to quit. Or we see progress and we decided just having this one doughnut won't hurt. Have you ever been in this situation?

So today I want to talk about some non-scale successes. I think my biggest non-scale success was fitting into a smaller size of pants. I want you to look at these next two pictures.

I weigh exactly the same in these two pictures. Which one looks better? Which one looks like I'm skinnier? In the one on the left I wore a size 12. The one on the right I was the same weight but could wear a size eight. Muscle and fat weigh the same but fat takes up more room than muscle. So the same poundage of muscle takes up less space than the fat. Therefore the scale doesn’t go down but the size of your clothes and your inches decreases.

My second non-scale success was the increase in energy I had. I wouldn't have called myself a lazy person before I started working out with Beachbody programs and clean eating, but I'd often find myself having to sit down often because I was tired and out of breath. By exercising every day for 30 minutes I found my energy increase. I felt I could do so much more in a day. It is so awesome.

My third non-scale success was lack of headaches. I have suffered from migraines since middle school. I used to get them pretty often. Since I've made the switch to clean eating I haven't had a migraine. It is amazing to me that just by cutting out all the garbage I used to eat especially sugar and salt that I haven't had a headache.

My forth non-scale success has been inspiring others. I absolutely love bring a coach. It is so fun to love on others and help them achieve their goals. I also love the people who I haven't seen in a while look at me and say how did you do it or you look great. It is also fun to inspire other moms and pregnant women that they can workout too.

My fifth non-scale success was not being drawn to the junk any more. By drinking Shakeology everyday I'm not drawn to the sugar any more. It really does curb my cravings. I don't look at the candy on the counter and say I want one.  I can truly eat just one piece because I don't want any more. Soemtimes that one piece will give me a sugar headache. I love that sugar no longer has control of my life

These are just my top five. I love the changes I've made in the last seven months. I also love the non-scale successes I've had. If you've been one of my challengers in the past what has been you biggest non-scale success? Hope you have a blessed day!

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