Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Smooties as Snacks

So I absolutely love my morning Shakeology. I love how full it makes me and knowing that I'm giving me and my baby all the nutrients we need. I love having this as my breakfast as I'm full for about three hours afterwards.

However lately I've been feeling like I've been eating the same old same old for snack. One of my challengers had also asked me how to get more veggies into her diet as she wasn't eating all her green fix containers.

Here are a few smoothies I came up with this week to combat this problem.

Pear, Pumpkin and Spinach Yogurt Smoothie
1 Small Pear
1/2 cup Pureed Pumpkin
1 cup Spinach (I used frozen)
3/4 Cup Low Fat Greek Yogurt
1 cup water

Blend in blender until smooth.

Blueberry and Broccoli Yogurt Smoothie
1 cup frozen blueberries
1 cup broccoli
3/4 cup Low Fat Greek Yogurt
1 cup water

Blend until smooth
Both of these recipes count as 1 green, 1 purple and 1 red if you are on the fix eating plan. They don't keep me as full as long as my Shakeology but serve as a nice snack to tide me over until lunch time. Hope you have a blessed day. 

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