Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Yoga With Phonics Review

Today I wanted to switch things up a little bit and do a review on a product that I purchased for A for Christmas in 2011. The product is called Yoga with Phonics:
At the time I was looking for something simple to do with her that: 1. would help her learn her letters and the sounds they made and 2. helped get us moving.

I found this DVD at Amazon ( The reviews were good soI order it. Little did I know that during the snowy winter months when it was too cold to go outside or on rainy days this would be something we'd do every day.

B and C will even walk downstairs after waking up and will see that it is raining out and will ask if we can play As yoga now.

Why I love this DVD? It is simple. It goes through all 26 letters of the alphabet. It starts with a basic stretch and breathing and then goes through the letters from A to Z. It shows the letter and tells the sound it makes. The consonants it has a catchy little tune putting the consonants with the vowels.
A in mountain

The yoga pose are easy enough for 2, 3 and 4 year olds to do, but some require practice. For example one is a tripod head stand. Another called the Eagle pose requires them to balance on one leg. Others require them to jump with two feet. Yet other require them to hop or balance on one foot.
A and C in bow pose
This is a great beginners yoga tape for kids. It gets them moving, teaches them their letters and the sounds they make and makes me laugh. It even has allowed them to do the Beachbody workout Piyo with me when I do it as they already know most of the moves just from doing this tape. I'd definitely recommend this to any one with small kids.

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