Thursday, March 19, 2015

Good carb versus bad carb

Did you know that there are good carbs and bad carbs? Everyone's bodies need carbohydrates. So what kind should you be eating and why.

Carbohydrates provide energy to all cells of the body especially the cells of our brain. Without carbohydrates are bodies will try to survive off of protein and fat but they cannot do this for very long. The breakdown of protein and fat will causes ketones to build up in the body and will cause a toxicity especially in the brain if they are used for too long as a fuel source.

There are three types of carbohydrates: starch, sugar and fiber. Sugar and starches provide our body with fuel. Sugars are usually comprised of single chains of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen and are usually referred to as the simple carbohydrates. Starches and fibers are usually comprised of multiple chains of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen and are known as complex carbohydrates.
Simple carbohydrates are the kind that when you eat them they cause a sugar spike in the blood. They give you an immediate energy boost but don't last for very long. These also are the types that when you eat them they give you a craving for more quickly after ingestion as you don't have it in your body for very long.

Complex carbohydrates are the kind that take awhile to break down in your body. They help you sustain your blood sugar for awhile. They will decreases your cravings as they keep you fuller longer. These are the types of carbohydrates you want to be eating.

 So where do you find complex and simple carbohydrates? Simple carbohydrates are found in things like white bread, sugar, pasta, fruit and sweets while complex carbohydrates are found in things like vegetables, beans and whole grains.

We need a little of both to keep our diets in check but we need to make sure we are eating things that are good carbohydrates versus bad. Forty-five to sixty-five percent of our daily diets should come from carbohydrates. Here is a great resource that shows things that are good carbs versus bad carbs.
As you can see we should be eating things like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts and beans. We need to be staying away from the white flour and sweets.

So next time you are hungry and feeling a little sluggish reach for a good carbohydrate. Make a good decision to fuel your body correctly and it will love you for it! Hope you have a blessed day.

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