Monday, March 16, 2015

Sleep and Weight Loss

A few weeks ago I posted this on my Facebook like page (
I keep thinking about this since I've posted it. Lately I've been struggling. I did my first round of the 21 Day Fix after baby number four and I lost only 2 pounds and 9 inches. During my first round last April I had lost 9 pounds and 16.25 inches. I kept thinking about what the difference was.
I know the first difference was I didn't dial in my nutrition as well. During my first week of this first round of the 21 Day Fix postpartum I had friends bring meals. I was so grateful for these but they were things that we normally don't eat. But then the second and third week I dialed in my nutrition. I followed my 80/20 rule. 80% clean and 20% not clean.

So what else was different? That is when I started to do some research and found this graphic. During that first week of the Fix I was averaging 2.5 hours of sleep each night. Most days I wasn't getting a nap because I was trying to workout and get everything else that needed done at our house done.

Week 2 brought an average of 4 hours of sleep a night but I ended up with both pink eye and a bad cold. I still wasn't napping during the day. Therefore I wasn't getting the recommended 7 -8 hours of sleep.

Week 3 I got an average of 3 hours of sleep a night. I did get a few more naps in that week as I was finally getting into a rhythm. I was tired but not as much. I still wasn't getting anywhere close to the 7 hours of sleep a day. In fact here is my sleep time over the last few weeks:

As you can see there are very few days that reach the 5 hour mark.

So why is sleep so important for weight loss? Here is one graphic I found to answer this question:
One thing that really stuck out fro me that is without enough rest your muscles never truly recover. This will make it so you won't get stronger and you wont get the full fat burning capacity of your muscles. I know if I work out hard one day and then not get enough sleep the next day when I try to work out my muscles are still sore when I work out.
Also the fact that by not getting enough sleep the leptin protein lowers due to lack of sleep. This increases you appetite. This causes you to eat more and gain weight. Any one crave chocolate more when they are tired versus when they have enough sleep? I know for me I just want to eat a handful of nuts or carrots every time I walk into the kitchen while I'm tired. All these little handfuls add up and I gain weight.

I also loved this graphic. It has a lot of great tips to try and get to sleep. I know some of my biggest problems are that I'm trying to get everything down in the evening. Many times when the girls get to bed I'm finally sitting down to answer my email. I also sometimes end up exercising then as it is the only time it is quiet.   I also know that on the weekends I sleep in a little. Brian takes care of the girls and I get to stay in bed an extra hour.

Currently with a seven week old in the house I also sleep whenever I can. If all four end up asleep at the same time I go to sleep. I need to get the hours in somewhere.

One thing I do know that has helped my energy is drinking Shakeology. It is my one meal of the day where I can get all my nutrients quickly and easily. once I drink my Shakeology I have more energy. I feel like I can accomplish so much. It also helps me through my workout which then releases endorphins and helps me have more energy to finish the day strong. I really don't know what I would do without Shakeology the last seven weeks.

It also helps curb my cravings. When I'm tired I don't want to go for the chocolate. I want healthy choices. I've been eating nuts or carrots but as I stated above I've been snacking way to much and all my little handfuls are adding up.

What effects your sleep? What is the thing you can try today to get your recommended 7-8 hours of sleep every night?

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