Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Setting Realistic Goals

Do you know why most people fail? They don't set realistic goals. Realistic goals are first and for most SMART goals. Secondly when it comes to weight loss we only see the big picture and don't break it up into manageable chunks and get discouraged as we feel like we aren't making it any where. How many of you after a few weeks of working out want to quit as the scale didn't change?

This morning when I was washing breakfast dishes Brian said  I looked skinny. My reply was I'll never be skinny. The more  I reflected on my response today the more I knew I needed to write this post to myself today about goals. Do you have a specific goal in mind? What is your short term goal? What is your long term goal? Are those goals reasonable?
Let's dive into SMART goals. SMART stands for
(image from :http://simonlovelock.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/SMART-Goals.jpg)
So S stands for Specific.
What is my specific goal?
I want to get into the healthy BMI range. For me this is 120-159lbs. I really wanted to get right in the middle of that at 145lbs.
Why do I want to do this?
I want to be healthier for myself and my family. I'm sick of my knees and back hurting. I want to be stronger. I want to be able to play with the girls.
Where do I want to work out?
I want to work out at home. I know it is too hard for me to get to the gym and spending the moments my kids are awake is too important to me.

The M stands for measureable. So for my goal I am going to weigh each 21 days at the end of each round. If I change programs I will weigh at the specified time points for that program. I will also measure myself as I know that my weight may not change but inches will. I know I want to be 145 pounds. I also know I want to lose three inches in the next 21 days.

A stands for achievable. This is where my second point comes in. Many look at what they want to get to ( for me145lb), but will set an unrealistic time goal. Did you know most doctors will tell you a safe goal is to lose 10% of your weight in three months? So this means that if you are currently 160 lb a realistic goal would be 16 pounds within the next 3 months. This means your goal would be 144 lb in 3 months. Say you goal weight for the long term is 100.Then you'd set another small goal for yourself that over the next three months you'd lose 14.4 lbs. Therefor this second three months  your goal weight would be 129.6. You continue to set these small goals each three months until you get to your goal.

R stands for relevant. One question to ask yourself is "Am I willing to work towards this goal?" Why do you set a goal if you aren't willing to try? I know that I am determined to hit play every day for 30 minutes until I reach my goal.

T stands for timely. Look at my explanation under achievable. Again set a large goal and smaller goals. Currently my goal is 144 in three month.

Are you willing to set a SMART goal? Guess what if I look at my goals in a smaller piece and not a huge thing then I can actually meet them. And guess what I can actually be skinny. But beyond being skinny I can be healthier for myself and my family.  I'm making progress just one day at a time. I'm taking this one pound at a time. I will do this and I hope you'll join me in this journey. Thank God for the perspective change today!

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