Sunday, May 4, 2014

Weekly Meal Planning

One of the great things about the 21 Day Fix is that it teaches you portion control. It gives me a framework to work with each day. It excites me to know that I am eating a balanced diet and I am not having to think about it too much.

A challenger in my current 21 Day Fix group said: "For a while I thought I had to shop at Whole Foods (still like that store though) to eat clean and it's so not true. It's about planning and preparation. It's about proper portions. I just made oatmeal with fresh berries and it was if I was treating myself to a pie it was so yummy. I also am amazed at how much I love Shakeology."

This exactly encompasses what the 21 Day Fix is all about. There is nothing off limits, but it is all about moderation on the items that aren't healthy like chocolate, alcohol, and treats.

One of the ways to make your 21 Day Fix or any exercise program a success is meal planning. Meal planning allows you to see what you will each what day and when. It gives you an overall sense of the week and gives you less room to cheat when you have a plan in front of you. It also gives you a basis for your shopping list for the week.

You don't want to undo all the hard work you've put into your workout program by drinking 1000 calories on a weekend evening. You also don't want to ruin your hard day of working out by eating a huge piece of cake or a Dairy Queen blizzard. Abs are truly made in the kitchen. Without both exercise and balanced nutrition you will not see the results you want.

The first week I did meal planning it was  hard. I was trying to meal plan for all five of us and Brian had a different container ratio than me. It took me over two hours to change my thinking and come up with meals and sides that worked with the clean eating mantra. Now five weeks in it took me ten minutes to finish my meal plan. My Shakeology, snacks, and lunches stay relatively the same. The thing that changes are my dinners.

Here is my meal plan for week 5:

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