Saturday, May 24, 2014

The Comparison Trap and Memorial Day

So lately I've been falling into the comparison trap again. I'm usually pretty laid back and don't really care what others think about me, but the last few days I look at others and think I wish I could be like her. At MOPS I noticed all the other "pretty" dishes and wished I could make my dish look like that. At the amusement park yesterday I looked at another mom and said I wish my kids were like hers. While working out I wished I had abs like the lady on the video. But do you know what I realized last night as I sat at the preschool graduation my kids are perfect just the way they are and I'm perfect just the way I am.

God made me unique. He made my kids unique. He made me especially for my kids and them for me. I don't need to be like anyone else because God gave me a unique set of talents and abilities o that I can add to the body of Christ. He also gave my kids a unique set of talents and abilities to add to the body of Christ. Wow what an awesome thought.

So today as we start our Memorial Day weekend I am going to focus on the positive and get rid of my negative self talk. I have my own set of talents and making my dishes look pretty isn't one of them. My girls also have their on unique set of talents. A is loving and encouraging, B is a diva loving everything girly and C is very analytical.

My challenge for you today is to replace your own negative self talk with some positive thoughts. Are you willing to join in this challenge this weekend? When you see another women in a bathing suit don't start saying I wish I was as skinny as her. When you are at that Barbeque with your family don't say I wish my kids were as well behaved as hers. When you are at the store and you see someone in front of you with a ton of groceries don't wish you had that much money. When you see the car you always wanted don't wish it was yours.

I'm not saying you shouldn't have dreams. I'm saying that you should set your mind to the positive. Thank God for what you do have. Remember you are unique and he will give us each what we need NOT what we want.

I hope everyone enjoys their Memorial Day weekend. I know this weekend I am remembering my Papap who served in the 557 Battalion during WWII. He stormed Normandy beach on D-day. He was always a giver. He was always level headed. He loved cooking lunch for others. He was a butcher and always would have us grandkids taking boxes of food to those in need. He loved playing the lottery every evening and watching three football games at the same time every Saturday or Sunday. He'd give you the shirt off his back. He'd be your best friend even if he just met you. I miss my Papap. Life was a lot easier when he was around. He taught me so much and I'm the person I am today because of him. Who will you remember this weekend as we reflect those that have served our country?

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